NetCDF Downloads

NetCDF Libraries

NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a set of software libraries and machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data. Distributions are provided for Java and C/C++/Fortran. See the netCDF web site and the FAQ answer to How do I get the netCDF software package? for more information.

NetCDF-C Libraries

Current Release

The current release of (unknown package) is version (unknown):

Previous Release

The previous release of (unknown package) is version (version):

Beta Release

The beta-test release of (unknown package) is version (version):

Notice About Prior Releases

Historic releases of the netCDF-C library source code are available on GitHub.

Unidata does not provide support for older versions of netCDF-C and strongly encourages everyone to use the latest release.

Please direct any queries and questions about older versions of netCDF-C to:

Useful Links

NetCDF-FORTRAN Libraries

Current Release

The current release of (unknown package) is version (unknown):

Previous Release

The previous release of (unknown package) is version (version):

Beta Release

The beta-test release of (unknown package) is version (version):

Notice About Prior Releases

Historic releases of the netCDF-fortran library source code are available on GitHub.

Unidata does not provide support for older versions of netCDF-fortran and strongly encourages everyone to use the latest release.

Please direct any queries and questions about older versions of netCDF-fortran to:

Useful Links

NetCDF-C++ Libraries

Current Release

The current release of (unknown package) is version (unknown):

Previous Release

The previous release of (unknown package) is version (version):

Beta Release

The beta-test release of (unknown package) is version (version):

Notice About Prior Releases

Historic releases of the netCDF-C++ library source code are available on GitHub.

Unidata does not provide support for older versions of netCDF-C++ and strongly encourages everyone to use the latest release.

Please direct any queries and questions about older versions of netCDF-C++ to:

Useful Links

  • All netCDF-4 C++ library source code releases.
    All current unbundled releases of the netCDF-4 C++ library source code, based on the netCDF-CXX4 code provided by Lynton Appel. These releases include pre-release code.
  • The netCDF C++ development source repository
    The GitHub repository for the netCDF C++ source code. Unless you are interested in working with the development version of the netCDF-C++ libraries, you are advices to use one of the releases linked above. If you choose to work with this development branch, you will need to generate the 'configure' script using 'autoreconf -i -f'.
  • NetCDF C++ Installation Guide
    Information about installing NetCDF C++.
  • NetCDF C++ Library Documentation
    The complete documentation, including the C++ API and utilities for the latest release.

NetCDF-Java Stable Releases/releases

Downloads of stable releases of netCDF-Java.

The netCDF-Java library is a Java interface to "Common Data Model" files, using the netCDF API.